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All Nations Tower Of Prayer

All Nations Tower Of Prayer (ANTOP)


​A prayer tower for all nations.
A training, an equipping, a mobilising centre.
And of the Increase of God’s Government, there shall be no end.

All Nations Tower of Prayer (ANTOP) is a glory gathering place for kingdom families and ministries to unite together and worship the King and expand His Kingdom.

An intentional revival prayer altar seeking God for revival and the fulfilment of all His promises.

As part of ANTOP, we have ANTOP Daily Prayer Altars, Secret Place Glory Worship, Fire & Glory, Various Prayer Altar Teams, 30 Min Pre-Service Prayer, Prayer & Healing Corner, All Nations Prayer, Philippines Prayer Ministry, Couples Prayer Altar, ARC Corporate Fast & Pray, School of Revival (Advanced Elite Boot Camp coming soon in 2025 and other modules in 2024: Revival Elite Boot Camp, Revival Boot Camp, Ascend Watchmen Intensive, 40 Days Boot Camp, School of Revival), Revival Prayer Brochure, and more upcoming ARC Prayer Meetings, Services, Conferences, and Training & Equipping Courses.

Let us cultivate a prayer culture and raise up a praying church as a forerunner to prepare the way for the Lord in our mandate to be a House of Prayer (Isaiah 56:7) by participating in our prayer meetings, prayer altars, corporate fast & pray, services, conferences, and training & equipping courses.

​​Everyone is welcome to join us!

Vision of ANTOP

  • To establish Leviticus 6:13 “A fire shall always be burning on the altar; it shall never go out” prayer altars chained and linked together to bring continuous worship and intercession unto the throne of God.​

  • To mature into a bridal paradigm of authoritative prayer from the secret place of intimacy with the Bridegroom King.

  • To grow into the revelation of praying from a place of inheritance as sons unto the Father and administering the Father’s will on earth through kingly intercession.

  • To rekindle hearts to burn brighter for Jesus that will bring revival to homes, community, city, state and nation moving into global awakening as a body of Christ.

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All Nations Tower Of Prayer (ANTOP)

ANTOP Daily Prayer Altars

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All Nations Tower of Prayer (ANTOP) is an intentional revival prayer altar seeking God for revival and the fulfilment of all His promises.
​All ANTOP prayer altars will be held at Asia Revival Centre and on Zoom, unless stated otherwise.

*** @ARC and On Zoom ***
⏰ Monday - Friday: 11am - 2pm

⏰ Saturday: 4.30pm - 6.30pm
⏰ Sunday: 1pm - 3pm

*** @ARC only (Not on Zoom) ***

⏰ Wednesday: 6.30pm - 7.30pm

Venue @ARC: 🏡Asia Revival Centre

Zoom Meeting ID: 848 8032 6334
Zoom Passcode: prayer

​All Nations Tower Of Prayer (ANTOP)

Secret Place Glory Worship

Link used - Secret Place Glory Worship (for social media - small).jpg

Secret Place Glory Worship is an intimate prophetic worship, seeking the face of God and ministering in the Word and the Spirit.

Weekly fasting (at least once a week) is encouraged on Wednesdays for this service, but the fasting is not mandatory to attend our services.

The fasting is for a meal or more, or as the Lord leads.

Main Speaker: Terence Jedidiah Poh (Profile)

​Every Wednesday, 7.30pm - 9.30pm, GMT+8

at  🏡Asia Revival Centre


​All Nations Tower Of Prayer (ANTOP)

Fire & Glory

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​​Fire & Glory on Saturdays are revival meetings in the pursuit of God’s manifest presence.

Main Speaker: Terence Jedidiah Poh (Profile)

Every Saturday, 7.15pm - 9.30pm, GMT+8
at  🏡Asia Revival Centre


​All Nations Tower Of Prayer (ANTOP)

Schedule For Various Prayer Altar Teams

​The PRAYER ALTAR TEAMS pray at specific times of the week to keep the fire burning; building each other in the Lord as bricks build a tower. Each altar having different tasks yet having the same vision and goal to accomplish a lighthouse for His Kingdom and Glory.
To join the Prayer Altar Teams, please submit your request using the form below.​​​

Link used - Schedule for Prayer Teams (Updated on 17.10.2024).jpg
Join Our Prayer Altars

Thanks for submitting!

Everyone from the public and all churches are welcome to join us in our prayer altars, prayer meetings, corporate fast & pray, services, conferences, and training & equipping courses.

"Even them I will bring to My holy mountain, and make them joyful in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be accepted on My altar; For My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” ​- Isaiah 56:7

*MON-SAT* 30 MIN PRE-SERVICE PRAYER (at the Prayer & Healing Corner in church)
30 minutes before Monday to Saturday service or conference in church.
​Everyone is welcome to participate in the prayers or to request for prayers at the Prayer & Healing Corner in church.


(at the main sanctuary in church)​
​Everyone is welcome to request for prayers or to participate in the prayers at the Prayer & Healing Corner in church.


(at the main sanctuary in church)​
30 minutes before Sunday service or conference in church.


(at dé arc church cafeteria in church)
Every Sunday, 3.45pm - 4.30pm
​This is specifically to pray for marriages & children/family, strengthen the bonds of marriage, and fellowship with other couples. It is open to both married couples and couples who are planning to get married.


  • Please refer to our church calendar for the schedule of ARC Corporate Fast & Pray.

  • Weekly fasting (at least once a week) is encouraged on Wednesdays for Secret Place Glory Worship.

  • ​The fasting is for a meal or more, or as the Lord leads (but fasting is not mandatory to attend the services in church).


Revival Prayer Brochure is a prayer guide for Spiritual Enlightenment, Enrichment, Empowerment & Endorsement in your prayer life.  (View Brochure)

All Nations Tower Of Prayer (ANTOP)

All Nations Prayer

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Come join us for a time of prayer every Tuesday as we dedicate an hour
​to pray for nations that resonate deep in your heart. Everyone is welcome!

​Every Tuesday, 7.30pm - 8.30pm, GMT+8

Online only on 🎥Zoom. No physical service in church.

Zoom Meeting ID: 848 3466 9490
Zoom Meeting Passcode: pray

​All Nations Tower Of Prayer (ANTOP)

Philippines Prayer Ministry

Link used - Philippines Prayer Ministry (from png).jpg

Counseling. Healing. Deliverance.

All nations are welcome to join us!

Contact: Pr. Irene +60 16 - 405 8480

Every Sunday, 2pm - 3pm, GMT+8
at  🏡Asia Revival Centre​ and 🎥Zoom

Zoom Meeting ID: 848 8032 6334
Zoom Passcode: prayer

All Nations Tower Of Prayer (ANTOP)

Advanced Elite Bootcamp

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Advanced Elite Bootcamp is an intensive and intentional period
​of consecration, training, and equipping catalyst for revival.


Main Speaker: Terence Jedidiah Poh (Profile)

Date of Bootcamp: Coming Soon in 2025!

at  🏡Asia Revival Centre


Prior to this module, we also have 2 other modules in 2024:

"Revival Bootcamp" with 6 sessions (from 14th to 29th February 2024)


"Revival Elite Bootcamp" with 23 sessions (from 6th March to 12th December 2024)


The sermons for both modules can be found in the Sermons Page link below.

Sermons Page: Sermons for School of Revival

All Nations Tower Of Prayer (ANTOP)

School of Revival

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School of Revival is a School to Raise Up Catalysts for Revivals with Explosive & Dynamic Teachings on Igniting Revivals, Hearing the Voice of God, Operating in the Prophetic, Walking in Kingdom Authority, Manifesting the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Demonstrate the Power of the Holy Spirit, Activations & Impartations, and more.

We have various training modules under the School of Revival as listed below:

Sermons Page for All Modules:

Sermons for School of Revival


For the detailed description of each module, please visit this page:

About School of Revival

Note: There is a manual of sermon notes for 'School of Revival' sermons module,

available for purchase in church or online at ARC Store.​​​​

Speakers for Advanced Elite Bootcamp, Revival Elite Bootcamp & Revival Bootcamp:

Terence Jedidiah Poh & Lei Tiarra Poh (Profiles)

Speaker for School of Revival, 40 Days Bootcamp & Ascend Watchmen Intensive:

Terence Jedidiah Poh (Profile)

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